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Confidence to Grow, and Where to Find It.

Growth needs a little secret ingredient. Spoiler is in the title.

“So what are we doing to drive professional & personal growth? And how well are they working?” These were the questions from a long, deep conversation I had with a senior leader of a large consulting firm.

Sharing the most important takeaways below:

🌱 Taking on training & opportunities is wonderful if we know how to take full advantage of it.

🌱 Adapting to new conditions & challenges is exciting if we know how our accumulated experience will help us wade into uncharted waters.

🌱 Setting & achieving goals & action plans is very satisfying if we achieve more than simply being less bad at something that is our blind spot.

🌱 Building network & relationships is very enriching if we always know how to add value to our new connections and the expanded community.

In the end, Growth always involves unfamiliar, uncertain & uncomfortable things. Because of this, the one ingredient that will easily 10X the positive outcomes from all those well intended growth initiatives… turns out to be Confidence.

Confidence in what we can bring into each opportunity, challenge, goal, relationship… comes from a deep understanding of our Strengths, both innate & accumulated. Investing in Strengths produces an immensely actionable form of self-awareness. And “actionable” is key because it is from action that we breed Confidence.

It’s that time of the year now and you’re reviewing what you’ve accomplished in 2023. Consider also how you have grown this year. What could be the one thing you add to the mix to make 2024 your best year of Growth?

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